
NEWS RELEASE – March 06, 2023 Melissa Cornett Named Assistant Vice President of Corporate Communications for Appalachian Regional Healthcare March 06, 2023  – Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH) announced today the promotion of Melissa Cornett as Assistant Vice President of Corporate Communications for the multi-hospital healthcare system. She has...

NEWS RELEASE – March 03, 2023 ARH Cooking Classes Helping Promote Heart Health March 03, 2023  – ARH continues to strive to improve health and promote well-being of all people in Central Appalachia in partnership with our communities. Cooking classes, diabetes support groups and free screening events are...

Paintsville ARH General Surgery: Appendectomy Feb 24, 2023 Dr. Mashonna Austin and Dr. Milot Faria, General Surgeons at Paintsville ARH, discuss Appendectomies. General Surgery Links   General Surgery LOCATIONS General Surgery PROVIDERS General Surgery (Home) Da Vinci Surgery: Robotic Bariatric Surgery General Surgery Resources   General Surgery News & Media...

March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month and ARH provides colonoscopies at various locations. If you are 45 or older with a family history of colorectal cancer or polyps, it’s time to schedule your colonoscopy today! Colonoscopy Locations BARBOURVILLE ARH Cumberland Valley Medical and Surgical Associates - Barbourville ARH...

Tug Valley ARH General Surgery: Appendectomy Feb 23, 2023 Dr. William Gaunt, Dr. Taha Mallick and Dr. Chad Knight, General Surgeons at Tug Valley ARH, discuss Appendectomies. General Surgery Links   General Surgery LOCATIONS General Surgery PROVIDERS General Surgery (Home) Da Vinci Surgery: Robotic Bariatric Surgery General Surgery Resources   General Surgery News & Media...