
NEWS RELEASE – March 7, 2024 Get to Know ARH President & CEO Hollie Harris LEXINGTON, Ky. – A cursory search of the internet lists Hollie Harris as the “first-ever female” chosen to lead Appalachian Regional Healthcare.It’s a true descriptor, but not one Harris gives much thought. “I’ve never...

Cutting Out Smoking + Low-Dose CT Scans February 29, 2024 Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin As I reflect on this journey so far, I think quitting smoking may be the hardest step yet. I officially “quit” for what felt like the millionth time on February 14th....

NEWS RELEASE – February 15, 2024 ARH Part of Kentucky Hospital Association's Statewide Rollout of Structured Communication for Clinical Care Transitions February 15, 2024 – I-PASS, the gold standard for reducing preventable medical errors through improved clinical communications during care transitions, today announced Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH), the...

NEWS RELEASE – February 2024 Advanced Bariatric Surgery with New Technology Dr. Kabir Mehta, M.D., has recently performed newer, more evolved bariatric procedures at Hazard Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH)using the innovative new da Vinci Xi robot. In fall 2023, Dr. Mehta performed the first Modified Duodenal Switch,...

February is for the Heart February 1, 2024 Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin As we begin February, the first thing that comes to my mind is Valentine's Day. However, February is also National Heart Month, and in honor of both, the ARH Foundation is celebrating! First, we...

NEWS RELEASE – January 31, 2024 ARH Foundation’s Hearts for Hope Kicks Off February 1 January 31, 2024 – The Appalachian Regional Healthcare Foundation for Healthier Communities is kicking off the second annual Hearts for Hope fundraiser on Thursday, February 1, to support the work that they’re doing in Eastern...

Meet ARH Foundation Board Member Betsy Clemons January 29, 2024 - Betsy Clemons is an ARH Foundation for Healthier Communities Board Member from Perry County that became involved with the board after working alongside Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH) and the Foundation on initiatives to better the...

ARH Foundation Sponsors 35 Children at West Perry Elementary January 29, 2024 - The ARH Foundation for Healthier Communities is proud to announce that because of the gifts from our generous donors, we were able to donate $3,500 to sponsor 35 children from West Perry Elementary...