Statement Regarding Tug Valley ARH Pediatrician Chuck Johnson

ARH is committed to being as transparent as possible to keep our communities safe and informed as we move through the COVID-19 pandemic. With his permission, we can confirm that Dr. Chuck Johnson, a pediatrician at Tug Valley ARH Regional Medical Center, has tested positive for COVID-19. Dr. Johnson is self-isolating at home as recommended by the CDC, and is doing well.

Dr. Johnson’s positive test result has been reported by Tug Valley ARH to the Pike County Health Department, which has notified all contacts, and determined the risk of potential exposure of COVID-19 to others, including patients, as low due to the Dr. Johnson’s consistent and proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Patient appointments with Dr. Johnson and fellow Tug Valley ARH pediatrician Chad Fite, MD, will be performed via telehealth visits for the next few weeks.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, ARH encourages the public to play its part in helping control the spread of COVID-19 by practicing CDC recommendations for wearing a mask, social distancing by standing 6 feet apart and hand-washing practices.


Increased testing of patients regardless of symptoms is also key in limiting the spread of COVID-19. Tug Valley ARH is offering drive-thru COVID-19 testing from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Friday through June 19. Those wishing to be tested should pull their vehicle under the front canopy of the Tug Valley ARH Regional Medical Center and can remain in the vehicle while being tested. Testing is open to anyone. A parent or legal guardian must accompany children under 18 being tested.